Happy Independence Day!!! This is one of my very favorite holidays! I love that it's hot and summer time, filled with memories of the July 4
th parade, great food, family,fun and FIREWORKS! Plus we get to honor our country and all the brave men and women who have served to keep our country free! Thank you!

This year was no different except that I got to host the party at my house! Wow (feeling so very grown up) *grins*
And we were planning a secret surprise baby shower for Lisa and a (little bit late) Father's Day celebration for Dad! whew!
We all woke up bright and early and Julie came over to finish up some last minute decorating at my house. Kenny was still in Kansas with his family getting to see his Grandmas and such, so Julie was my partner for the day! *winks* Thanks girlie!
We drove over to Mom and Dad's and all headed off for the parade. We really had a fun time. I love to hear those marching bands play and see the flag waving in the breeze. Lucky for us there
was a breeze and a few clouds or it would have been HOT!

There were horses and old classic cars and lots of people throwing candy to the kiddo's. Bryce loved that! He had such a great time waving at the floats and saying "happy fourth of July"!
Awww! Who wouldn't want to give that sweetie pie candy!?
After the parade finished up we all headed back to my house to get the party started! I'm glad to report that Lisa truly was surprised (

We jumped right in the pool first thing and you know what!?! A few rainy sprinkles started coming down!!? What in the world, in the middle of July in a drought and the one day I have people over to swim it rains!? Oh well, it was only a few drops and we had fun anyway *winks*

We spent the afternoon in and out of the pool and had some yummy good sandwiches and all sorts of treats! Then it was time for presents!

Dad got some great gifts, and Bryce was a helper with Lisa's gifts *grins*

This little outfit (above) is from Lori. Neil and Julie got her this awesome Nursing Necklace. It's made of extra sturdy materials for the baby to play with while nursing so they don't pull on Mommies clothes or
earrings or hair *winks* Bryce is modeling it (below)

Kenny and I bought this cute "little brother"
onesie when we were in Colorado. I can't wait to see Griffin in it!

After the party we all decided to rest up for fireworks that night and you know what!? Boom! Crash!! Pow!! (no, that's not fireworks) it's THUNDER & LIGHTNING!! A H.U.G.E. thunderstorm broke loose and the fireworks had to be postponed *sniff, sniff*
Oh well, we had fun chatting the night away, and since the fireworks were delayed I would get to view them with my Hubby after all! Hooray!
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