Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday, January 10, 2011
Happy New Year!
-Kenny spent a dust filled weekend ripping out these parquet wood floors in our living room while I was having a fun trip with my sisters to Missouri to visit Julie. We are going to put these hardwood floors throughout the house, so he was prepping everything for the new floors. What a hardworking sweetie he is!
-We busted out sheet rock and 2'x4's, installed a new header beam and transformed a small doorway between our living rooms into a huge arched opening. It really opens up the flow and makes things feel grand.
-Kenny smashed up and busted out all the tile on our kitchen floor. We're planning to replace it with a natural stone.
can you tell we've been doing a lot of demolition lately *laughs* I'll try to have pictures up of the craziness soon!
-Kenny was nominated for teacher of the year!!!! I am so very proud of him! He works so hard and cares so much about his students and soccer players. He wants them to learn and do well not only in the classroom or on the soccer field, but in LIFE. You can see the sparkle in his eye when he talks about a new idea he's going to implement into his teaching, or shares a story about a discussion that really came through to the students in one of his lessons.
-We've set the usual "be healthier" new years goals....I've been using my elliptical for thirty minutes a day, six days a week. It feels good to be active. It's especially nice to have a place to workout and not have to be outside in the dark or cold or wind! Kenny has even used the elliptical a time or two when the weather is too yucky to run outside.
We're trying to stick to the no tv after 9:00pm, we try to do something productive at that time like house demolition (ha ha) or Kenny has been working on learning more Spanish using the Rosetta Stone computer software. That program is really amazing! Maybe I can even learn some Spanish *winks*
-Along with the "being healthy" plan, I've been eating a lot of soup and salad and more veggies in general. I even hard boiled some eggs to add to my salad a few days ago and it was super yummy!
-We've been reading a new fiction series together called "The Hunger Games". It's a series of three books that Kenny bought me for Christmas. The story is unique and so addictive! It is hard to put down!! We're in the middle of book two and can hardly stop reading to get some sleep at night *laughs*
Well, I hope you enjoyed my random, picture-less, bulletined update of the life of the Schells. I'll be back with some better posts before you know it! Happy New Year!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Christmas Cards
Ever since we got engaged Kenny and I have enjoyed choosing a Christmas card each year and writing a special message on each one to our friends and family.
Shutterfly is offering a great promotion this year which allows bloggers to get 50 free Christmas cards! That's a deal I just can't pass up *grins*
They offer all sorts of amazing designs, photobooks, calendars, invitations, all so fun and creative! You can't help but feel inspired when you visit their website.
They have some beautiful Christmas Card designs this year:

I like this one because it has room for several pictures, with writing about each!
So fun! Go here to check them all out!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Morning sky

Kenny just looks over a smiles his heart melting smile...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010
First game of the season!
I'm so sorry I was gone for so long...a lot of unexpected things came up all at once and blogging kind of got put on the back burner. Then when life got back under control I felt overwhelmed that I couldn't ever "catch up" on my blog. So, I just stopped blogging, and that isn't fun. I was missing journaling about our lives and having these sweet memories to look back on.
So, I'm just going to start fresh from today and if I have a chance to do some "flash back" posts to fill in the blanks I will *winks*
Anyway, Kenny's soccer team played their first game of the season on Monday and we were SO excited to see how it would go. Kenny purchased some new soccer coaching DVD's that he's been watching and doing drills all summer in the backyard getting ready for the new season.
One thing that I loved seeing at the game was some of Kenny's former players (who are now in High School) who showed up just to see "Coach Schell" and watch the team. See them there below standing right behind Kenny...

Monday, June 7, 2010
Yosemite, The Valley
Being in a rental car we certainly didn't have any of those with us *laughs* so we made due touring about Wawona until the finally let us measly non tire chained cars through.
They had a neat little "old timey" town that had some historical information and at times I believe they perform like a renaissance fair (except it's just 1800's and not Renaissance times) *grins* It's a Pioneer fair *laughs*
Can you see that steam rising off this building (above) it was a cold morning and the sun must have been warming up that wet roof to make all that steam! There was an amazing covered bridge that passed right over a rumbling river.
Dad and Kenny had a good time hiking down the river to see where it headed.
The rangers finally gave the all clear and we were able to drive on into the valley. Yay! Kenny really captured some beautiful shots of the park!
He sure makes it hard to narrow down my favorite pictures, I love them all!!
We saw some amazing views of half dome, like this...
Can you see why they call it "half dome"? It looks like it used to be a complete dome and then half of it just broke straight off! *laughs*
I'm glad I wasn't around when all that rock came tumbling down!
This rock formation below is called El Capitan. Doesn't it look strong and menacing!
It's a favorite of extreme rock climbers...but we didn't do any of that *grins*
Kenny hiked across the center of the meadow to capture some 'up close' pictures of the sweet deer who were grazing nearby. Meanwhile Dad, Mom and I drove around the meadow and picked him up on the other side.
Look at this neat-o wooden walkway he got to follow through the meadow!
These sweeties weren't scared at all. I guess they're used to photographers here in the park.
You'll never believe what Dad, Mom and I happened upon while we were circling the meadow to pick Kenny up...
A big Momma and two precious baby black bear cubs!
They were such little cuties! We were wondering if Kenny would meet up with them on his hike!?! But a park ranger saw that people were gathering around, so he ran out and gruffly shouted and scared them back out of the meadow.
Kenny was pretty disappointed that he missed out seeing the bears, but he got some awesome shots that we wouldn't have seen otherwise...
He even stopped and silently crept up to photograph this beautiful Stellars Jay.
I had been begging him to get a picture of one. They are so bright! Kind of like a blue Jay but bigger and more light electric blue.
We all walked back over by "emerald beach" and crossed our favorite bridge *grins*No ducklings today, the must have gone on down river...
Can you see the waterfall reflecting in the water above? So pretty! Speaking of reflections, this one is pretty amazing too!
We hiked up a small trail to take some fun couples pictures right under the waterfall!
And then ended our evening driving up to the valley overlook just as the sun was starting to set.

Sunday, June 6, 2010
Yosemite, Cathedral Beach

We drove on through the valley, along the Merced River to a fun wooden foot bridge.

I also saw an unbelievable root jutting out from the cliffside...

As we were driving out of Yosemite to head back to our hotel in Oakhurst we spied this rocky waterfall and pulled over to check out one last thing.