And what better to get us all updated than a fabulous list! (I love lists!)
1. We celebrated New Years eve with a bang. We enjoyed the evening spending time with my Mom and Dad, Julie and Neil who were luckily in town, and my sweet youngest sister Lori. We snacked and talked and laughed a lot, played Mario Cart wii and stayed up waaaaaay past midnight! Here we are blowing our neat-o noise makers *winks*

We've also done pretty good following a work out routine. Kenny bought me a Wii fit board and Wii fit plus for Christmas (woo hoo!!) and we are having a blast working out on this fun toy! Usually I'll start out on the elliptical for thirty minutes while Kenny uses the wii fit then we'll switch and workout for thirty more minutes. It's really fun and seems to actually burn some calories *grins* Every Monday we do a body fitness test and "weigh-in". It's neat to actually see some physical results up there on the screen!
Another fun gift that I got Kenny for Christmas is a Sauna! Kenny had mentioned in passing how neat it would be to have a sauna, not thinking at all that it could become a reality. Well, I found a great deal on one on Craigslist and just pounced on it! My parents set it up for me on our back patio while we were gone to Kansas for Christmas and when we got back home and opened up our gifts I walked him outside into the back yard for his last present....let me tell you what, he was SO SURPRISED!!

This is a picture I found online
We have really been enjoying it. It is such a relaxing treat after a hard workout! We sit in it for about thirty minutes almost every night and just read or listen to music (it has a fun sound system inside) *grins*
3. This kind of goes along with "working out", but we have become more dedicated with our running as well. If you'll remember, we signed up to run the OKC Memorial half marathon at the end of April. Well, that date is creeping closer everyday, so we've got a running schedule planned out and have been following it pretty faithfully since the middle of January. My longest run so far has only been about four miles, but I'm building leg strength every day and hoping and praying that I'll continue to get stronger and run farther and be ready for that 13.1 miles in April, whew!
This is the schedule that I'm trying to follow. Kenny's mom told me about it and said it was a good training schedule for a beginner.

Oh well, there's always next year.... right Brett Favre?!?
5. And last but certainly not least we celebrated my beautiful Mom's birthday by having a yummy pot luck lunch last Sunday afternoon. Mom got up at four o'clock in the morning to put in a yummy pot roast and get the Rhoades rolls rising. Good gracious! You shouldn't have to wake up early on your birthday!? We are sure lucky you are our Mom!

We had a great time just hanging out with the family. We sure love you Mom and hope you had a wonderful birthday celebration!!
I certainly did have a good time. I always do when I'm with my family.
Wow, Neil and I sure look excited about new years! I guess we were tired.... LOL!
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