So, I'm going to do a great big, giant, bulletined blog and get everything updated. That way I'll be back to square one and can return to my regular blogging schedule......hopefully *grins*
1. Kenny and I went to see Avatar in the theaters! Ever since the first time we saw the trailer to this movie we knew it was something special. We kept telling ourselves, "let's go see it this weekend" and just kept putting it off. But finally, after long delay we got ourselves up to AMC and took in a matinee.

It was a really great movie. Interesting story line and excellent graphics. It didn't feel super long (even though it clocked in at over three hours!) and the 3D effects were fun without making you sick. *grins* I'm glad we got to see it on the big screen!
2. I ran for six miles! Ever since this post when I achieve a new "high number" of miles I jot a little note in my head to blog about it. For example, the first Saturday when I accomplished three miles I was thinking "wow, oh, wow! Three miles, I never thought I'd be able to run for three straight miles without stopping"....then the following Saturday I made four miles, the next Saturday was five miles, and now I've survived six whole a row! Without stopping! *laughs*

(this isn't me, but it's a cool picture huh!)
I'm still feeling pretty intimidated about running THIRTEEN miles, but after surviving six I think I'll make it.
3. Dad and Mom gave us a brand new computer! One Saturday after completing a long run at lake Hefner, Kenny and I stopped by my Mom and Dad's house to help them move some furniture. We moved a big work bench, a couple of couches and then my Dad pointed us to some big boxes in the corner. We agreeably hoisted them up and asked where they should go. My Dad casually said "in your car if you'd like them". We looked closer and realised that it was an unbelievable brand new computer and huge flat panel monitor! Wow oh wow! We were just speechless!

4. I got to go to a beautiful bridal shower! My youngest sister Lori, along with three of her best friends, hosted a personal shower for her friend Westin who is getting married in April.
Westin was a gorgeous guest book attendant at my wedding and I'm so excited to see her happily married as well.
5. Kenny and I got to share lunch with our dear friends Stephanie and Jeremy and their precious baby Olivia! After far too long we finally decided to meet at Mimi's cafe and have lunch together on Saturday. We have such fun spending time with them! We were laughing the entire time. Oliva was an absolute angel, just cooing and smiling in her little carrier. It is such fun to see my beautiful best friend be a Mom, wow!
6. Spring Break! This week should really be renamed Spring Break(your husband's back he's working so hard) dear sweet hubby agreed to not only NOT go on a trip over spring break, but to actually spend his week of freedom doing work around our house! He got so much done!!
Besides all the little stuff like laundry and dishes that he lovingly did for me while I was at work, he also did some big tasks like raking off the lawn, planting new grass seed and trimming back the bushes to get ready for spring! He cleaned up the swimming pool and got it all ready for swim time, sorted through a bunch of his sports cards and listed a lot for sale on e-bay.
He used the two ton jackhammer to bust off a lot of the small rock on our back patio, we're getting ready for a few changes out there! Then for his final task he emptied out our third bedroom sorting through all the "stuff" stacked a mile high and got that room ready for it's big make over *grins* (I can't wait!)
Thank you Kenny for being the amazing hubby that you are!! I love you so much!
I know there are a billion more things I could post on this list, new recipes I've been trying out, how I'm SO excited that spring is here, but you're probably getting worn out from all this reading *laughs* I promise to be a better blogger in the future *grins*
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