Wow! I think this has been the
snowiest winter of my adult life and I'm loving every moment *grins* Ever since Christmas we've had snow just about every other week. It just makes our home feel so snug and warm when you look outside and see those enormous flakes falling down onto a deep field of white.

This is outside on our back patio looking over towards the pool.

And our sweet little vegetable garden covered in snow. Poor things, I'm amazed those basil plants come back strong
every year!
We really had a great time during the snow storm. Kenny's school was closed for FOUR days and I got to stay home from work Thursday afternoon and all day Friday making for a nice
looong weekend. *smiles*
We decided to spend a couple nights camping in the living room. It's such a treat. Kenny gets a
huge fire roaring in the fire place and we bring our mattress out into the living room and spend the evening snacking and watching a movie or playing a board game. Such fun! It feels like we're on vacation in a snowy cabin in Colorado, waking up to the crackling fire keeping us warm.
One night we decided to bundle up and go for a snowy walk around our neighborhood. It was so quiet and peacefully still. No cars on the streets and all the people tucked safe and warm in their beds.

We had a specific mission in mind for our walk.... Every year when a winter storm comes blowing through, as I drive up our street in the twilight after work, I notice an enchanted tree. There is a street light behind it that casts a beautiful glow through the icy cold fog and the branches dance in the light like elegant crystalline fingers.

We just had to go and take a picture to share with you guys!
The next morning we were amazed to see how deep the snow was, even on the street!

This is looking East down the road right in front of our house. I love the way the snow collects on top of the tree branches giving them a pretty dusting of bright white.

Here is a photo of our house. I'm so thankful we've got a warm comfortable place to enjoy during the blizzard. Hope you guys all had as much fun as we did!
It was beautiful, but I'm so glad I didn't have to go out. I just looked out the window. Luck me.
ooOOoo I love the enchanted tree! Thanks for venturing out to snap a picture to share with us :)
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