Happy "month" aversary to my sweet Kenny, he says it's not an "Anniversary" yet because that would mean a year while we're still counting the months ;)

Either way it's cause to celebrate! I can't believe we've been married for one third of a year already! WOW!! Time just flies! It feels like our wedding was just last month. I can remember it so vividly in my mind, the smell of the flowers and the evergreen trees outside, the warm sun on my skin, the butterflies of excitement in my stomach, the look in Kenny's eyes when he saw me round the corner and come walking down the aisle to become his wife, just being so intently focused on each other and such strong feelings of love! What a perfect day! I hope it's burned so strongly in my mind forever!
Well, I can honestly say I love him even more now. Every day we spend together just gets better and better! I thought "wedded bliss" was just a saying, but I think it is TRUE! I am SO thankful that God brought us together and I hope we get to celebrate at least a million more "month"aversaries!! 

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