Kenny and I started playing indoor soccer games on Saturdays again with some friends in a league at Hat Trick. It is
such fun!
I used to think I was fairly "sporty" and at the very least coordinated....but, I'm afraid I am a hopeless case when it comes to soccer. I'd never even seen a game until I met Kenny. But we have a fun time going to a local park and practicing my moves *grins*

This weekend we had a game scheduled on Saturday night, right in the middle of handing out Trick or Treat candy, so during the day we went out in the backyard to practice and get warmed up for that evenings game.

I have to warn you. These pictures are going to make me look like a dork *laughs*, but at least I'm honest right!?
We started out just kicking the ball back and forth to each other and eventually decided to try to "dribble" the ball in the air a little before kicking it back to the other person. Kenny just
had to run inside and get the camera to catch me in action!

Apparently I cannot play soccer without contorting my hands into strange, unhuman-like, gang signs. For example...

And this...

I can only determine that I must be using my hands as some sort of marionette puppet device trying to urge my feet into submission....telling them through sign language what they should be doing *laughs*
I also have to either have my mouth wide open to achieve a maximum force kick....

Or my lips sucked in, in deep concentration.

watch out you other teams....this is what's comin' atcha!!
That oughta send the other team right off the court. You are so cute and determined. I love it. Keep up the good work.
You are so funny. I think you have great potentinal. Love, Cecilia
LOL That was HILARIOUS! I do the same weird hand moves sometimes, I just don't have this awesome documentary of it! Nice moves soccer lady!
I like the pinky-work make soccer into such a dignified, lady-like thing! lol
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