Sniff, sniff....unfortunately I've been sick for about five days now. Nothing serious, just stuffy head, coughing, achey, sinusy, yucky stuff. It certainly makes work a lot more difficult when I can't seem to concentrate on much of anything. :(

I probably should have just gone to the doctor but it seems like by the time I decide it's really time to go see a doctor I'm just about better anyway. I've been taking Dayquil and Nyquil and just trying to get by until I'm better. I've been pumping Kenny full of vitamins and orange juice and making sure we're both washing our hands extra often just because I REALLY don't want him to get sick too.
I even had to miss the indoor soccer game on Saturday. I felt really bad leaving only four girls to try to field the whole game. Well, I'll be better next week and hopefully be able to play a lot!
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