Today is my UNBELIEVABLE Mom's Birthday!! I love her so much! She is such a great example of a Christian wife, mother and friend, for me to follow. She has given up so much of herself and her time to make sure that her family is taken care of. I love the way I ALWAYS know I can count on her. If I needed anything she would drop what she was doing and come to help me immediately.

Just a few special memories I have with Mom include:
- Her being my Homeroom mom at school (I KNOW every other class was jealous that we had THE BEST homeroom mom. She'd always bring cookies and cupcakes and fun treats for my Birthday and Christmas. SO special)
- The way she and Dad made us girls feel important (they NEVER once missed a school play, recital, concert, performance or show that we were a part of! Wow!)
- So many times when I was a little girl and sick with a stomach virus (which seems like it happend quite a few times) she was the best little nurse I could ask for, bringing me a cool cloth or ice chips or 7up and tending to my every need!
- Late nights of school assignments, science fair projects and term papers (all the way through college!) *grins*
- Taking me to go get my drivers license and making sure I didn't fall apart when I failed the first time! (I still can't parallel park, I make Kenny do it)
- Her cooking the BEST breakfasts you could imagine.....over a camp fire at the lake!
- All the fun time together planning my wedding!
I could go on forever, but most of all I just remember all the fun times and laughter we've shared my entire life!
I love you Momma!
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