Kenny and I picked up Chilis to go for everybody (it wouldn't be much of a birthday if Mom had to cook for all of us huh?) Whew.... "to-go" food for nine people is quite a task *grins* After about three items the little lady at Chilis was like.. "okay, your total is....", I had to tell her I'm sorry, I have about six more things to order ;) But, in the end she got everything just right! Yay for Chilis!

We had a yummy lunch and then went right on to presents ;) Bryce was quite the helper again. He sure makes life entertaining! It's so fun to experience a little boy, having all sisters I've only ever been around girls. I remember when he was born we were all thinking what are we going to do!? He's SO fun and FULL of energy though!

Bryce was so funny, one of her presents had a long white ribbon on it and he was saying "Grandma, I got you a ribbon for you hair!" *laugh* then he just burst out with "Grandma, I LIKE you!!" what a great present ;)
I made Mom a Hawaiian Wedding Cake for her birthday, yum, yum, yum, the frosting is THE BEST, it's mostly coolwhip with pineapple and vanilla pudding, a perfect mix and not too sweet! Bryce helped her blow out the candles, his first experience with trick candles, lol, I think he was tricked....they kept relighting!

I hope Mom had as much fun as I did!!
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