Friday evening I got to go to a GLORIOUS concert with Dad, Mom, Lisa and our sweet neighbor Carolyn. It was a Navy group called the
Navy Sea Chanters. Mom was able to get some VIP tickets thanks to her sweetie friend Kay from Kansas and we had excellent seats right up near the front! Kenny wished he could have been there, but he had to stay late at school for baseball practice...

They are a very elite group who performs mainly in Washington DC for presidential events (including the innaguration!), and they perform for special international guests and military functions. Needless to say I felt honored to experience their concert. I just love Patriotic things like that. It makes my heart swell with pride to be living in such a special country with all the freedoms that we enjoy, and to know that there are people serving in the military who are willing to sacrafice their lives if necessary to protect those freedoms. Wow! I can't help but get choked up when they honor military veterans with patriotic songs in the background.
It was such a fun time. Besides all of the patriotic songs they had an instrumental jazz ensemble, a duet of Papageno from "The Magic Flute" (so funny)

and also sang a medly of songs from the 60's *grins* that had the whole audience (including a 93 year old sailor, so cute!) jumping to their feet :)

One of the sentimental songs called "Letters from War" (letters from a mother and son) had us choking back tears and Lisa sobbing like a baby (poor pregnancy hormones) *laughs*
We certainly enjoyed ourselves! Thank you Kay and Mom for sharing your tickets!!
1 comment:
I wish i could have come! Mom reinacted the concert for me though! It was glorious :)
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