You know, between the news and sporting events and little sitcoms in between....we Schells are just watching too much TV!
Sometimes I find that the TV is on and we're not even really watching it. You know, it's like it's background noise or something like that. Or some nutty Food Network challenge that I get sucked into *laughs* Those TV shows sure know how to hook the viewers! I could watch HGTV or Food Network nonstop!

Well, we've made a conscious decision that we want to turn that thing OFF!
I don't want to make us sound like a couple of lazies *laughs* We don't really watch more than a few hours a night, Kenny's rarely even home from soccer practice until after 6:30... and when we do watch, it's usually The O'Reilly Factor or a soccer game *grins*. Also, we've never had a TV in the bedroom and hope to always keep it that way!
I don't want to make us sound like a couple of lazies *laughs* We don't really watch more than a few hours a night, Kenny's rarely even home from soccer practice until after 6:30... and when we do watch, it's usually The O'Reilly Factor or a soccer game *grins*. Also, we've never had a TV in the bedroom and hope to always keep it that way!

But, we've devised a plan that the TV will be OFF between 9:00 and 10:00 every night and so far it's been a nice relaxing change. We just talk or play a game, do something productive around the house or read.! We may just extend the "no TV" time more and more!
sounds like a plan worth copying! (except on monday nights lol) I think everyone could do with a little less tv
Have to agree Monday's would be too hard; but you could record and watch on Tuesday. Good luck with your plan. I'd like to try that too but I don't think your Dad could do it he'd have severe withdrawal.
Love, Mom S
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