I just love this sweet place. There are little winding trails and neat lakes and ponds, just truly in the heart of nature.
One of the first animals we happened across were these beautiful timid deer.
I just love the way they always look so soft and graceful. They perked up their ears when they heard us coming, but stayed still long enough for Kenny to snap these peaceful pictures.
You can really see a lot even from the comfort of your car, but we love to hike around and see some of the more remote areas. So I was pretty glad to have my gloves and hat and I made sure to have Kenny wear his hat too! (I'm not letting him get sick ever again *grins*)
We hiked off a little way and wound around into a thick forest area. One of the main reasons we came to the refuge THIS weekend was to hear the Elk bugle. It's a beautiful mating call that the male Elk do to claim their territory and call the ladies to them. So, we were being extra quiet and cautious when we heard the crackle of leaves and rustle of feathers and spotted this big clan of wild Turkeys!
Happy Thanksgiving! *laughs* It was hard to get a picture they were moving so fast!
We continued through the forest and up onto a rocky boulderish area that surrounded a lake.The air was fresh and cool and there was barely any breeze, so quiet and peaceful and then... through the morning air we heard the majestic echoing bugle of a male elk. Wow, I nearly jumped for joy I was so excited! We were quiet and still and were able to hear it several more times! What an unforgettable moment!
Here's a video I found on you tube so you can hear it too! (be sure to turn your volume up)
We hiked back to the car and drove over to Hidden Lake. We sat on a fallen tree beside the water an just took in the scene. A huge Bison was up on the hillside grazing in the grass and the out on the water Kenny spied a Great Blue Heron (just like the one we've seen at Overholser Lake). He slowly raised his camera and caught this breathtaking reflection...
After leaving the waterside we drove around to the other side of the refuge and I spied some abandoned stone buildings. You remember my obsession with abandoned houses *laughs* so I convinced Kenny to stop and look around them.
Apparently they were built by the CCC in the 1930's and are now just a standing reminder of that time. You can find these pretty round stones all throughout the refuge.
Another pretty lake had this neat boat dock protruding out into the water...This lake had a dirt path that wound around it, so we hiked a couple miles around the lake and saw these nifty lily pads
There were remnants of flowers that I can only imagine in the summer were huge and stunning!
Kenny spotted this cliff side "chair" naturally carved in the rock where we took pictures last year, so I had to hop back in that spot and take one this year too *laughs*It overlooks a gorgeous river.
I love the way Kenny captured the clouds reflecting in the water here. It looks really powerful....I think this one is going up on the wall *winks*
There is also a neat water dam with a walkway that winds all the way across the lake
Ohhhh I love this guy!!
There is a neat area of the refuge where they have a biblical city built out of stone and every year at Easter they do the Passion play for thousands of park guests.
Here's another big Elk who was calling his lady to come join him...
I love those cute guys! I want to squeeze their bellies! *winks*
We just had a great time and are looking forward to our next adventure!
Wow it looks like you guys had a fun time on your trip! The Elk Bugle reminds me of the dinosaurs on Jurassic Park :) haha.
Eeek! Be careful not to fall off of that cliffside chair! The reflection of the clouds really stood out to me in that picture too. It almost looks like a wild bolt of lightening cutting through the hills.
I laughed out loud picturing you howling like a wolf at that elk! I sure am glad some of your prarie dogs made it!
Love you,
wow! looks like an awesome trip! I want to go too! I played that elk video without Neil knowing i was going to! He looked up real excited! lol
i want to squeeze their bellies too...
Your trip looked so great that we decided to go too and take Bryce. We had a good time and saw some of the same animals you saw. A coyote was out there looking for a prairie dog in the broad open daylight, what nerve.
Love you MoM
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