It had been kind of rainy on and off all weekend and we were starting to feel a little cabin fever so we just took off for a fun walk.
Lake Overholser is only a few minutes from our house so we like to go down there and walk on the little trails and see all the wildlife-ducks, cranes, birds and fish out there in nature. It is a sweet little escape from the busy life *winks* My Dad told me a funny story about this lake. Apparently "back in the day" guys used to take their ladies down to the lake to park and look at the stars twinkling over the water. So Lake Overholser got the nickname of Lake "hold-her-closer" *laughs* Isn't that cute!
The first little creature we saw was this pretty pigeon. He had a purply ring around his neck and the brightest orange eyes! I know people say they're "rats with wings" but I thought he was awfully pretty...
A few months ago we spied a great blue heron! It looks kind of like a crane, but is a gray-ish blue color and SO big!! Well guess what!?! He was back on Sunday, we were so excited!
He was pretty camera shy, every time we would inch closer to his little roost he would take off, spreading his expansive wings and go sailing down the lake for a more private location.

He was pretty camera shy, every time we would inch closer to his little roost he would take off, spreading his expansive wings and go sailing down the lake for a more private location.

This is a picture I found online so you can see what he looked like *grins* Isn't God creative!
Along the way I spotted the brightest most beautiful little red leaf on the ground. I picked it up and we made a game out of finding all different colors of leaves...
Wow! Aren't these amazing!
There is also an old interesting bridge that cars used to travel over. It is closed to cars today, but you can still cross it on foot and explore all the intriguing architecture. *winks* I can imagine a little family from the 40's driving over this bridge in their shiny Cadillac.

Kenny even spotted a gorgeous patch of yellow wildflowers! I kept thinking these would make such a great fall arrangement!
We just had a terrific time walking and talking the afternoon away!
This was very entertaining to read. I stay in Detroit, and despite that most of it is in very bad shape, it does have its good points-esp. when dealing with nature.
Autumn is my favorite time of year, and judging by your pics, I assume it's yours as well. But the moods of stress just seem to die down when the heat cools off and that gentle breeze hit us for only a two-month period. It just hit me that Autumn is the shortest season of the year, but much can be expected. If you're at the right place at the right time, people are more friendlier, and nature really shows you what it's made of.
Proof positive that there is a God! And the hand of God is never cut short. The same hand that "Satisfies the desires of every living thing".
I appreciate this blog for the reason(s) that things like this, we all take for granted. And that little bit of fresh air is just what we need to relieve the everyday stress that we all endure from day to day. Our problems will still be there, but we can deal with them better once we clear our minds.
I observe the (pictures of the) animals in your blog, and Jesus had made illustrations of them, that unlike us, they don't work 9-5s, nor toil, spin, or even stress, but still Our Heavenly Father loving feeds and provides for them.
You'll be surprised what all we can learn from the animals. In spite of some attributes they have that can at times annoy us, they're very intelligent creatures to say the least!
I can imagine us driving over it!!! We did!! it is the route 66 bridge and I drove over it in our 1969 Pontiac grand prix many times. It's was kinda scary to meet a truck. It was considerably different than our 4 lane interstate used today. Good blog. I love it.
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