Well, after three weather related postponements we finally got to play THE championship soccer game on Thursday. I can't say that the weather was really cooperating today either. It was dreary cold, about forty degrees, with fierce winds blowing from every direction and a light misty rain just threatening to downpour...
My sweet parents came out to support Kenny and those Titans. I love how they're always interested in things that I care about! Thank you so much for coming!
I can't say that I was a very good photographer at this game. I was cheering so hard and so intently focused on all the action that I just left the camera by the way side...
Good gracious this was such an intense game. The team we played against is the only team we lost to all season long. But, those Titans owned the field the entire game! You could really tell that even though the other team was bigger, we had the more skilled players.
We had so many shots on goal, ones that bounced off the cross bar or sailed just barely over the top of the net....the whole sideline was about to rupture a lung and get an ulcer from excitement *grins* I'd just cringe and double over with my fists in the air (soooo close)
We kept cheering them on, "Let's go Titans"......"Keep it up"......"Score one more"! It was awesome!
We were up three to one as the clock was starting to wind down (just hold them off a little longer.....). We kept looking at our watches thinking "isn't the time up?"
Finally the ref tweeted his whistle and the whole team rushed the field jumping with joy and riping off their jerseys! I was shrieking with glee and literally almost fainted I was so excited! Whoa!
The next thing I know, the head ref is squawking "game's not over, get your team off the field"....apparently his earlier whistle was just to stop a play and not to signal the end of the game, but seriously, we were beyond the allotted time....
So, the team and to re-group and get their jerseys back on and their heads back in the game. I was biting my nails and just hoping that we could pull this off!
Then, out of nowhere, whizzing in from left field the other team squeaked a shot into our net!!!That brought the score up 3 to 2!! Oh, no, this can't be happening... I have never seen a referee add so much stoppage time to a middle school game! It must have been at least ten minutes!
Miraculously he finally tweeted three times and victory.was.ours!! and it was sweet!!! We "officially" rushed the field and the guys were spraying water everywhere! A victory salute to Coach Schell!
One of his sweet players was holding the trophy, just cradling it and running his hand lovingly over the surface when he looked up and said "Coach Schell, you know...this is the first time I've ever won anything..... Thank you,"
Oh my lordy, I just want to cry that is so sweet! Now you can see why I get so excited about seeing these guys play! *grins*

Yeah Titans!! I'm so excited for them. I remember how important it is for a bunch of kids to win a tropy. I have some from my Highschool team (from a small school) and they were very important in my school days, so go Titans-- Good job!
Coach's MIL
Hurray!!! That is a cute picture of you and mom :) what a fun day
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