Thursday, February 12, 2009


We had a lovely night of winning yesterday!

As soon as I got home from work Kenny and I went for a run down by the lake. Yes, I did say run! Wow :) Kenny's always been a great runner, but it's never been quite so easy or enjoyable for me. About a year ago I was really getting pretty good at running, but I fell off the bandwagon when the weather turned cold and I am trying to get back on now ;)

Kenny is such a sweet encourager. We've been going for "walk/jogs" for a while now... meaning we'll jog as long as I can and the walk for a bit, then jog, walk, jog, etc. I love him so much for not pushing me or pressuring me, just always encouraging me.

Well, my hip joints always seem to start hurting when I run very much (I know I sound like an old fogey *grins*) Kenny googled "hip pain when running" and discovered a picture of EXACTLY where it hurts me. It said it was actually my IT Band (not my hips). It had some stretches to do and recommended taking Glucosamine supplements. So, for the past two days I've been doing the stretches and taking the supplements and they truly seemed to make a difference! So much so that yesterday on our run I was able to run the ENTIRE time! Woo Hoo! I'm a winner! I was so excited! Kenny was beaming with pride and kept telling me how great I was doing (he's such a sweet hubby!)

Then when we got home from running we watched the USA vs. Mexico soccer game. I made us enchiladas and chips and salsa and we had a great time. Kenny's students had all been telling him over and over how Mexico was going to beat the US....well, we won 2 to 0! *grins*

Kenny is starting baseball practice tonight, but I'm hoping we can still go run when he gets home. I'm excited to see if I can make it all the way again!

"I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me." ~Philippians 4:13

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