Luckily we have some very kind and generous family members who were more than willing to let us borrow their bikes. So, Kenny and I stopped by Dad and Mom's house on Sunday to pick them up.
My Dad is out of town on a business trip, so Mom directed us to the bikes and we pulled them out and decided to put some air in the tires. Lori's was looking a little flat *winks*
Kenny lifted out Dad's big air compressor and proceeded to gently inflate the back tire while I was holding the bike upright.
Karen: "there you go"...."easy does it"....
Kenny: "hmmm, that looks pretty good to me"
Karen: (this is key) "just a little more"...
and BOOM!!!!
that's right folks, I exploded a bike tire. It sounded like a gun shot went off! In fact, I nearly dropped the bike, hit the dirt and covered my head *laughs*

We felt so bad and just stunned. I've never popped a tire in my entire life! Lori was so gracious and sweet. "Don't worry, it was probably just an old tire". Her boyfriend Matt even offered to drive to Edmond to get his bike so we could still ride (awwww, thanks Matt!).
In that instant, there went the entire biking trip plan. Obviously we're just not ready to be bike owners huh? *grins*
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