Thursday, May 28, 2009

Memorial Day walk!

Well, since the bike riding didn't work out as planned Kenny and I decided to go for a Memorial Day walk around Lake Hefner.

Mind you, this may sound like an easy feat, but it is actually TEN MILES all the way around Lake Hefner!

So, I mustered my courage, did my stretches, applied sunscreen lightly in key areas, Kenny packed up some water and granola bars to fend off my starvation and we were on our way!

As we stepped out of the car and into the sunshine the whole world transformed. This wasn't a giant exercise trip, this was an adventure! I excitedly grabbed Kenny's hand and we were off! *grins*
We joyfully walked briskly through the trees, hearing the birds twittering and inhaling the sweet piney smell. Ahhhh, life is good!

We admired the yachts and sail boats docked lovingly by the shoreline and saw all sorts of birds; cranes, oriels, ducks and geese.
We continued on our way.....mile after mile...........after mile.................................after mile.... *grins*
Luckily Kenny is a sweetie sympathizer and would lovingly encourage me and ask me how I was doing. I on the other hand am a bit of a "whimper" (as Kenny would say).

Kenny: You're doing great!
Karen: Ahhhh, my baby toes are grinding off
Kenny: Do you want your granola bar?
Karen: (dragging my legs as I walk) my feet are turning into stumps
Kenny: Don't worry we're almost there
Karen: You mean halfway there *laughs*

Hopefully I wasn't THAT bad right?

Well, we completed the TEN MILES and I felt so accomplished! It really was a fun time and we got to see the ENTIRE lake *smiles* I'm so glad that we made it!!

After we got home and rested on the couch as the time was going by Kenny kept noticing "Wow, you're looking pretty pink"....."eek, your shoulders are pretty red"......"Ahhhh, you are BURNED!"

I finally went to check in the mirror and sure enough, I got a MAJOR sunburn! Even through my sunscreen. I suppose I wasn't thorough enough or liberal enough with my application. On my shoulders you could see a perfect little hand print where the sunscreen was *laughs*

OOoooh it was ouchie! I can't believe I wasn't more careful with my poor skin *frowns* I was soaking in aloe vera just to survive! Then after the skin pain was soothing down I noticed my feet.....eeeek humongous horrific blisters on my toesies and the back of my ankles. I lovingly spared you the pictures *laughs*

All the pain was worth it though. It was a great day and I can't wait to do it again sometime (if Kenny will still go with me *laughs*)

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