But, this would turn out to be no ordinary Tuesday morning. I hopped in my little car and snapped my seat belt into place and OHMYGOODNESSGRACIOUS the pain!! (You'll remember from my last post that I was sunburned to a crispness right on my chest and shoulders) I gently slipped the seat belt under my arm and breathed a sigh of relief.
I backed my car out of the garage and headed off to work. Then.....suddenly.....a mere three blocks from my house I see the shocking flicker of police lights in my mirror. (I don't know about you guys, but the moment I see police lights behind me, whether they're pulling me over or not, my heart turns to mush and I can feel my heartbeat pounding in my head)

(not actually my car *winks*)
"Oh no" I thought silently to myself, "he's pulling me over because he thinks I'm not wearing my seat belt!" I rolled down my window, smiled my biggest smile and kindly turned over my drivers license and insurance verification.
Officer: Miss, the reason I pulled you over is because when I saw you you weren't wearing your seat belt.
Me: Well......actually I did have it on, I just had it under my arm because of my awful sunburn from Memorial day weekend at the lake.
at this point I innocently pulled my sleeve over to show him the horrific redness and he winced in pain.
Officer: Oh, wow, I feel your pain. I'm sunburned too from the lake this weekend. Here you go (handing me back my license and verification) have a nice day!
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT!?! No ticket, not even a warning! What a miracle! I started my car back up and could barely work the clutch my legs were shaking so bad *laughs*
And from this day forward Kenny keeps teasing me that I "flashed" a cop to get out of a ticket!!
I wonder if that policeman had a more interesting excuse from anyone that day?
Who could resist that smile?
Love, Cecilia
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