Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Run for your life....luckily Kenny's a track star!
Well, we had worked all day and when evening time came I was really hungry and not wanting to dirty up my freshly cleaned kitchen so we decided to go grab McDonald's and a redbox movie! What a treat!
I grabbed my purse, we hopped in the car and were on our way. As the garage door was closing and we were turning down the street we saw two big teenage guys walking along the road. Not an uncommon sight as there are lots of shade trees on our street and some apartments are about a mile away on either side of our neighborhood.
McDonald's is only a couple of minutes from our house so we picked out a great movie, ordered up my favorite Southwest Grilled Chicken Salad and headed back home. We opened up the garage door, were walking through the garage and happily chatting about what the movie would be like and what we were going to do tomorrow.
Kenny ALWAYS opens the door and allows me to go in first, but somehow this time he ended up in front of me. He had merely stepped a foot and a half inside the door when, at the top of his lungs, the loudest I've ever heard him, he shouted "HEY!!" Then thrusting him arm backwards towards me yelled frantically "go,go, get out,get out!"
My heart leapt out of my chest and thoughts ran chaotically through my head, "our house is on fire....a bear is inside....man with a gun...." I focused on the latter of these three, threw my hands in the air and ran for my life out of the garage with all the speed I could muster on my shaky legs. Kenny tells me I was yelping "what!? what is it!?!"
We darted out of the garage and I ran North around the side of our house. If it was a gunman I wanted to be out of the direct line of fire. Then glancing up I noticed Kenny had dashed out of the garage and headed SOUTH, in the opposite direction! "Where are you going" I thought panicking...
Then I saw those two big teenagers sprint out our back gate and head South. The smaller of the two had Kenny's laptop dangling under his arm. Like a bolt of lightning straight from the heavens Kenny shot across the yard and grabbed the big guy by the front of his black hooded sweatshirt. Then face to face, eyeball to eyeball, Kenny growled with rage "WHAT WERE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE!?"
If you can only imagine, my heart was doing the Spanish flamenco in my chest and I was shaking like a leaf. The smaller guy threw Kenny's laptop down in the grass and holding his sagging pants up with both hands, took off down the street. I shrieked at the top of my lungs "YOU BETTER COME BACK HERE OR WE'RE CALLING THE COPS"
At this point I whipped my cell phone out of my purse and was paused like a cat, ready to dial, "Kenny, I'm calling the police!" I said.
"No, wait, hold on a second" Kenny replied and was such a man, continuing to forcefully confront the big guy..."You better call your friend back here or we're calling the cops. What were you thinking!? Do you know if I had a concealed carry permit I could have SHOT you both!?! You were in my house!"
The big guy was scared stiff and shaking from head to toe. "I was not in your house sir, I did not crawl through your window sir" he nervously lied to Kenny. "CALL HIM BACK HERE NOW" Kenny roared, and he submissively obeyed.
Unbelievably the smaller guy came back... Kenny continued his lecture "I'm a teacher and I deal with guys like you all the time. What are you, high school kids?" (they nodded) "What were you thinking? You're better than this..." Then Kenny turned and told me to go inside the house and make sure nothing else was missing.
I just knew the moment I left him alone with these two thugs they were going to whip out a knife and try to fight him so I said "wait, Kenny...make them empty their pockets before I leave you alone with them and make sure they don't have any weapons!"
They quickly turned their pockets inside out while feebly pleading "we didn't take anything else, all I got is my cell phone..." So I rushed inside and made sure Kenny's wallet, our TV's and video game systems and anything else of value was still in tact. I dashed back outside and let Kenny know it looked okay...
Finally releasing his death grip on the big guys lapel Kenny finished "You guys, this is your chance.of.a.lifetime.... I'm letting you go without calling the police, but if I ever see you around here again, or hear of something like this, you won't be so lucky!"
And heads down they walked off down the street...
Kenny and I gathered our composure, walked inside the house, and just wrapped our arms around each other shaking. We looked at each other in disbelief, "I can't believe that just happened!?" We were in no condition to sit down, eat and watch a movie!
We were both feeling foolish because it turns out that after mowing Kenny had left the lock off our gate for just a moment, and I ALWAYS close the front windows (so as not to tempt anyone to break in), but I had left that back window wide open and those boys slit the screen to crawl into our home.
I am so incredibly thankful for my brave, manly, track star husband, Kenny you are my hero! And we are blessed that they didn't damage anything more than our screen. They could have torn up our house, or had a gun and shot us, wow!
Needless to say, I've contacted ADT and we're getting a working alarm installed soon!
Monday, September 28, 2009
My Buddy
Well, Sunday afternoon Kenny and I were watching some football on TV and they were discussing the heightened security at the professional stadiums because of possible terrorism. This made me recall an OU vs. K-State football game where a small bomb actually went off outside the stadium!
"I was AT that game!" Kenny proclaimed recalling the days events to me.
"Wow!" I said shocked that he was actually there in person. "Who did you go with?"
"With Neil of course" he said matter of factly and began to sing this song....
My buddy, my buddy, my buddy, my buddy...
wherever Neil goes, I go...
At which point I fell over on the couch laughing and had to regain composure and smooch him on the cheek! He is A-DOR-ABLE!!
Neil is Kenny's best friend, a fellow History major at college, they both taught eighth grade History and were roommates for several years! Not to mention that they are now brothers-in-law (Neil married my little sister Julie! Amazing, I know!) I am so thankful for Neil and Kenny and their friendship!


Kid sister, kid sister, kid sister, kid sister...
His wife's my kid sister Ju-lie!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
The grass is always greener...
Kenny and I are doing a pretty good job of upkeeping a large lawn, but we had a couple of small spots that just wouldn't stay green and healthy. Turns out our sprinkler system just needed a few more sprinkler heads to fully cover the area.
So, my amazing hubby and fantastic Dad got those heads installed!
(I always tell Kenny that I could be a Trucker as long as he was with me to do the driving *winks*)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First game of the Season
They were so excited to be on the field playing an actual competitor rather than scrimmaging in practice. The sun was warm the grass was crisp and green from the earlier rain and those bright blue uniforms were sailing up and down the field.
But, before long....zing! Ball to the net and
G-O-A-L!! You should have seen the sideline erupt with cheers! All the players on the bench leapt to their feet, pumping their fists in the air and shouting!
Well, the action continued and they scored another goal bringing them up two to nothing. Then, minutes before halftime one of our players zipped around the offense, then dashing back and forth, wove inside and scored an amazing goal!
He must have jumped four feet in the air, flung the front of his shirt up over his head and shouted with joy! (I must say, I was feeling pretty joyful about that goal too!) Of course the whole team had to join in on the excitement... but we all glanced sideways at Coach Schell to see what he'd do.
"Tommy, you can't be celebrating like that. If this was a high school game you'd get a yellow card. But, that was a great goal" and he gave Tommy a heartfelt pat on the back. He also kept Tommy out for the rest of the game...
I am so thankful he's on my team and that we'll get to share all those moments some day!
Friday, September 18, 2009
The Real Estate office that I work for is also involved in Property Management. Meaning, people who own rental property hire us to find tenants, handle repairs and receive rent money. So, a large part of my job is accepting rent money from tenants and doing all the book keeping involved.
This morning a really nice older man who lives in one of our properties came in to pay his rent. I always try to be friendly and a kind, encouraging person to everyone I meet. And, even though I'm shy, I'm trying to work on my outgoing-ness. I see him once a month when he pays his rent, so we're kind of friends. *grins*
Anyway, he said hello and handed me his rent money and while I was getting him a receipt he held up his hand and said "I got something new this weekend"...

His head slowly turned like a quizzical puppy, one eye squeezed almost closed and he paused for a moment and said "ummm, no, I got married"! (DUH Karen!, men DO.NOT.GET. engagement rings!)
"Oh, congratulations, how exciting!" I said while blushing bright as a cherry tomato.
In the future I will try to remember that that whole engagement ring thing is for GIRLS only! *winks*
Monday, September 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Lisa is one of my BEST friends! We have always been the best of buds! She was the fairy princess and I was prince charming when we were little *grins* I love the way she is always so open and honest about everything. If I ever had a crisis or even just a crazy question she would be right there with a big hug and a great answer.
Lisa has ALWAYS been the pioneer of our family. I am SO incredibly thankful I have her as an older sister to experience things and test the waters before I have to jump in. I have followed her to school and in playing the violin, got braces after her, met boys after her, got married after her *laughs* She is always looking out for me!
Lisa and I always laugh when we're together and I love making her laugh! And although I'm responsible for several scars on her knees (sorry about those freak tricycle accidents) *winks* she has literally saved me from drowning at least two times!
Lisa is such a wonderful mom! I am so proud of her and her two sweet boys. That is just one more thing that I can't wait to follow in her footsteps. I love the way she researches everything and knows so much about things, childbirth, politics, exercising, cooking, everything!
I love you Lisa and I hope you have an amazing birthday!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Freda Burritos
She made some of her famous "Freda Burritos" while Julie was down visiting and I begged her to share her recipe.
So, here you go *grins*
Freda Burritos
2 lbs ground beef, browned
1 can Chili (10 oz)
1/2 can Pinto Beans
3/4 cup instant rice, cooked
1 can Rotel
3/4 cup Picante Sauce or Salsa
Burrito mix (may need to add some water)
Sour Cream
Shredded Cheese
After browning the beef add the Burrito mix, chili, pinto beans, rice, rotel and picante sauce and simmer for about 10 minutes.
Spoon the meat mixture into the tortilla with a dab of sour cream and shredded cheese.
Roll up and put in a microwave safe dish.
Once all the burritos are in the dish sparsely cover the top of them with a bit of reserved meat mixture and top with shredded cheese, pay attention to the corners and edges.
Microwave on high for a few minutes until the cheese is melted.
Serve up and enjoy! I like to have these with some chips and salsa or maybe even a Mexican rice mix....oh boy, my mouth is watering *grins*
Thanks Momma!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
We drove up on Saturday morning and got to Topeka just in time to pick up Taco Casa for lunch, Kenny's favorite *grins* We ate lunch at Kenny's Mom and Dad's house and got all caught up with them and then decided to go for a run at Iilif Commons Trails.
OH! It is such a great place! It is a large park like area with some ponds and a large 5k running trail that one sweet lady takes care of all by herself. She even mows the trail by hand every week! Wow, she must be in great shape *grins*
Denny and Kenny both went at their own pace, I think Kenny ran the ENTIRE 5k! And Cecilia and I jogged the trail together (but not the whole thing)! It really was a fun time. The trail winds in and out of a little forest and some parts of it are REALLY steep there is even a rope "hand rail" that you can use to "climb" your way out, Wow! I really had a fun time!
After jogging we went home and had burgers and fries and watched some sports on tv. Then Kenny opened up his birthday gifts. He got a really amazing gift card to Home Depot and a Jayhawks pull over jacket from his Mom and Dad and some wonderful Calvin Klein after shave and a generous gift card from his Grandma.
We all enjoyed a really great sermon at Denny and Cecilia's church, Mayetta Christian Church. The people there are always so welcoming and kind. The pastor always comes and says hello to us and even remembers mine and Kenny's name! They also had a birthday card for Kenny! Wow!
After church we stopped by to visit Kenny's Nana and have lunch with her. She is so very sweet. I always love getting the chance to spend time with her.
After dinner the boys were all playing a bit of basketball and then everyone played a huge game of Ultimate Frisbee. I got one amazing catch in, but then I got drafted by Olivia to play a different game....we played a My Little Pony puzzle and I must say, I was better at that than Ultimate Frisbee *laughs* It's always fun to spend time with Kenny's family!
Monday morning we had a tasty pancake breakfast! We just spent the morning chatting and lazing about and finally got our bags together and headed off to see Kenny's Grandma.
We ran some errands and picked up Taco Tico for lunch then stopped by and chatted with Grandma while we ate. She is such a special lady! Such a great hostess and easy to talk to! I want to be like that!
We left Grandma's about 2:00 and started the drive for home. What a great way to spend Labor Day Weekend!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Birthday and Fantasy Football
After fantasy fun we ate dinner and Kenny opened his gifts from me...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Hubby!

One of my favorite things about Kenny is his loving heart. I get to see that love demonstrated on a daily basis. I am amazed that he LOVES me!?! His first thoughts are always about what would make me happy or more comfortable.
I also get to see his love demonstrated at his school. The way he honestly sincerely cares about each and every one of his students. He often gives up his free time and even lunch to make sure that they are successful. He spends every evening after school coaching his soccer team and often stays even later to make sure everyone is picked up or he'll give them a ride home!
I love the way Kenny loves his family. He loves spending time with them and gets so excited about a chance to visit home. His precious heart for his Grandma and Nana just makes me melt.
I love the way Kenny loves my family. He always has a great time when we all get together. He loves the chance to just sit and talk with my Mom and Dad and is just "one of us" now. *grins*
I especially love Kenny's heart for God. To see him follow God's calling on his life, watch him read his Bible, and know his passion for Christ. I love when we're able to discuss things and am just blown away that we share so many values and are alike in so many ways.
In case you couldn't tell, I really love this guy! I could go on and on about how great he is! But, I'll just end with one more sweet gesture that he did for me...
Last night when we got home from our drive back from Kansas I wasn't feeling too great. I was achey and sinus-hurty and just tired. He whisked into the bathroom, ran a bathtub full of warm water and bubbles just for me, lit a yummy pineapple candle (thanks Julie we love it!) and told me to soak my cares away.
Kenny, I love you more than you'll ever know! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and that each passing day just gets better and better!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Banana Bread

3 or 4 ripe bananas, smashed
1/3 cup melted butter
1 cup sugar (can easily reduce to 3/4 cup)
1 egg, beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
Pinch of salt
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
My Mom also adds some nuts to the recipe, walnuts or pecans. It's really tasty!
So, if you ever see a fruit bowl of over ripe bananas I hope you can try this one out!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Jeff & Jessica
We FINALLY got that guest bathroom finished, so they got to sleep in their own bedroom and have their own bathroom too!! Woo Hoo! *grins*
They arrived on Wednesday evening and after we toured them around our house we enjoyed dinner. Then Jeff and Kenny got to try out Jeff's cool soccer video game and Jessica and I decided to have some girl time!! *smiles*

Kenny and I had to work on Thursday and Friday, so Jeff and Jessica were on their own, but hopefully they got to relax and swim in the pool and just enjoy some rest. *smiles*
Thursday night we all went out to eat up in Edmond at Goldie's. We were trying to find the awesome restaurant that was featured on Diners Drive-in's and Dives on the Food Network....it turns out the one they featured was actually Nic's Grill, but we had a fun time at Goldie's anyway. *winks* (I think Jeff and Jessica got to eat at Nic's on Friday for lunch!)
Jessica had to get back to Kansas on Friday evening, so Jeff and Kenny and I all went downtown to see Doc Blues and his band play some blues music.

Saturday we all had some fun time in the pool playing Swimming Pool Baseball! I was a newbie at this, but it's a game that Kenny and Jeff created in their Nana's pool when they were kiddo's! You have a "pitcher" throw the beach ball and the "batter" hits the ball with their arm and swims all around the pool to touch each of the bases! Wow-o-wow! It is so much fun! and harder than you'd imagine! We just had a blast!!
We can't wait until they come down to see us again!! We love you guys!!