Monday, September 14, 2009

Happy Birthday Lisa!

Happy 30th Birthday to my beautiful sister Lisa!!

Lisa is one of my BEST friends! We have always been the best of buds! She was the fairy princess and I was prince charming when we were little *grins* I love the way she is always so open and honest about everything. If I ever had a crisis or even just a crazy question she would be right there with a big hug and a great answer.

Lisa has ALWAYS been the pioneer of our family. I am SO incredibly thankful I have her as an older sister to experience things and test the waters before I have to jump in. I have followed her to school and in playing the violin, got braces after her, met boys after her, got married after her *laughs* She is always looking out for me!

Lisa and I always laugh when we're together and I love making her laugh! And although I'm responsible for several scars on her knees (sorry about those freak tricycle accidents) *winks* she has literally saved me from drowning at least two times!

Lisa is such a wonderful mom! I am so proud of her and her two sweet boys. That is just one more thing that I can't wait to follow in her footsteps. I love the way she researches everything and knows so much about things, childbirth, politics, exercising, cooking, everything!

I love you Lisa and I hope you have an amazing birthday!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice thing to say about a sister! Mothers are always happy to hear good things about their children. Coming from a sister about another sister is even nicer.
Love you all. MoM