Friday, October 30, 2009
More pumpkin fun
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Isn't this just the way God holds us sometimes...thank you Lord for loving us.
'Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.'
Isaiah 41:10
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
I say "finally" because we've had plans to go out with them for several weeks now....we kept having to reschedule because Kenny's soccer season was so sporadic, changing games at the last minute because of the weather. Thankfully our friends are patient and understanding! *grins*
So, in an effort to expand our dining experiences we're trying to think of new restaurants where the other couple has never eaten. Stephanie and Jeremy suggested a place called "Cheddar's" food is simply delicious! Kenny and Jeremy both ordered the Chicken Fried Steak...can you believe it was less than eight dollars! And Stephanie and I practically ordered the same vegetable plate. I guess great minds think alike *grins*
Baby Olivia was just a doll the entire time, cooing and sleeping away in her little carrier beside the table *smiles* She is just adorable! Puts my baby cravings in overdrive *laughs*
We really had a wonderful time talking and laughing the night away! We even saved room for an amazing cookie and ice cream dessert!

So, now it is mine and Kenny's turn to come up with a new and exciting restaurant! Hmmmm.... *winks* I wish we could take them to Jeff and Jessica's pizza restaurant, Via's!
Monday, October 26, 2009
So, this weekend I bought us Three huge pumpkins and we've set out to carve them!
I used a little projector that I bought at Hobby Lobby a few years ago to trace the pattern on our pumpkin.
(Kenny captioned this picture "watch out for Karen" *laughs*)
Next I used some neat-o little exacto knives and tools that I borrowed from my sweet Dad to do the more intricate carving on the face of the pumpkin.You see, we didn't cut all the way through on most of the design, just shaved away a lot of the surface so that the candle would glow in specific locations brighter than others.
Next came the hard part, cutting all the way through for the "K U" and the jayhawks eye. The letters left behind some pretty fragile little areas that I had to be extra careful not to break off...
Finally we put a big pillar candle inside and let that light shine!
Happy Halloween!
Friday, October 23, 2009
We are the Champions
Well, after three weather related postponements we finally got to play THE championship soccer game on Thursday. I can't say that the weather was really cooperating today either. It was dreary cold, about forty degrees, with fierce winds blowing from every direction and a light misty rain just threatening to downpour...
My sweet parents came out to support Kenny and those Titans. I love how they're always interested in things that I care about! Thank you so much for coming!
I can't say that I was a very good photographer at this game. I was cheering so hard and so intently focused on all the action that I just left the camera by the way side...
Good gracious this was such an intense game. The team we played against is the only team we lost to all season long. But, those Titans owned the field the entire game! You could really tell that even though the other team was bigger, we had the more skilled players.
We had so many shots on goal, ones that bounced off the cross bar or sailed just barely over the top of the net....the whole sideline was about to rupture a lung and get an ulcer from excitement *grins* I'd just cringe and double over with my fists in the air (soooo close)
We kept cheering them on, "Let's go Titans"......"Keep it up"......"Score one more"! It was awesome!
We were up three to one as the clock was starting to wind down (just hold them off a little longer.....). We kept looking at our watches thinking "isn't the time up?"
Finally the ref tweeted his whistle and the whole team rushed the field jumping with joy and riping off their jerseys! I was shrieking with glee and literally almost fainted I was so excited! Whoa!
The next thing I know, the head ref is squawking "game's not over, get your team off the field"....apparently his earlier whistle was just to stop a play and not to signal the end of the game, but seriously, we were beyond the allotted time....
So, the team and to re-group and get their jerseys back on and their heads back in the game. I was biting my nails and just hoping that we could pull this off!
Then, out of nowhere, whizzing in from left field the other team squeaked a shot into our net!!!That brought the score up 3 to 2!! Oh, no, this can't be happening... I have never seen a referee add so much stoppage time to a middle school game! It must have been at least ten minutes!
Miraculously he finally tweeted three times and victory.was.ours!! and it was sweet!!! We "officially" rushed the field and the guys were spraying water everywhere! A victory salute to Coach Schell!
One of his sweet players was holding the trophy, just cradling it and running his hand lovingly over the surface when he looked up and said "Coach Schell, you know...this is the first time I've ever won anything..... Thank you,"
Oh my lordy, I just want to cry that is so sweet! Now you can see why I get so excited about seeing these guys play! *grins*

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Too much TV

I don't want to make us sound like a couple of lazies *laughs* We don't really watch more than a few hours a night, Kenny's rarely even home from soccer practice until after 6:30... and when we do watch, it's usually The O'Reilly Factor or a soccer game *grins*. Also, we've never had a TV in the bedroom and hope to always keep it that way!

Monday, October 19, 2009
One down, two to go!
There are some really great soccer players on this Titan team! You should see that fancy footwork in person! I just grin with glee and squeal for joy sometimes!
They probably think Mr. Schell's wife is crazy.....or that I'm the greatest fan on earth (hopefully the latter) *winks*
I was pretty excited to catch this plane flying right over the field...
I was imagining that there was a camera crew up there filming our guys in action!
We scored SIX goals in the second half and the sidelines were just erupting! Can you see those smiles in the picture below? *grins* That's one game down and two to go until we're the champions!!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Pizza, Practice, Pride
Well, Kenny asked his guys if they would be willing to practice during Fall Break and they overwhelmingly agreed to give up their free time to come up to the school and put in hours of practice! Wow!
(I was pretty proud of Kenny as well....he not only gave up his free time, but also the chance to go back home to Kansas and ride motorcycles with his Dad!)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wildlife Refuge
I just love this sweet place. There are little winding trails and neat lakes and ponds, just truly in the heart of nature.
One of the first animals we happened across were these beautiful timid deer.
I just love the way they always look so soft and graceful. They perked up their ears when they heard us coming, but stayed still long enough for Kenny to snap these peaceful pictures.
You can really see a lot even from the comfort of your car, but we love to hike around and see some of the more remote areas. So I was pretty glad to have my gloves and hat and I made sure to have Kenny wear his hat too! (I'm not letting him get sick ever again *grins*)
We hiked off a little way and wound around into a thick forest area. One of the main reasons we came to the refuge THIS weekend was to hear the Elk bugle. It's a beautiful mating call that the male Elk do to claim their territory and call the ladies to them. So, we were being extra quiet and cautious when we heard the crackle of leaves and rustle of feathers and spotted this big clan of wild Turkeys!
Happy Thanksgiving! *laughs* It was hard to get a picture they were moving so fast!
We continued through the forest and up onto a rocky boulderish area that surrounded a lake.The air was fresh and cool and there was barely any breeze, so quiet and peaceful and then... through the morning air we heard the majestic echoing bugle of a male elk. Wow, I nearly jumped for joy I was so excited! We were quiet and still and were able to hear it several more times! What an unforgettable moment!
Here's a video I found on you tube so you can hear it too! (be sure to turn your volume up)
We hiked back to the car and drove over to Hidden Lake. We sat on a fallen tree beside the water an just took in the scene. A huge Bison was up on the hillside grazing in the grass and the out on the water Kenny spied a Great Blue Heron (just like the one we've seen at Overholser Lake). He slowly raised his camera and caught this breathtaking reflection...
After leaving the waterside we drove around to the other side of the refuge and I spied some abandoned stone buildings. You remember my obsession with abandoned houses *laughs* so I convinced Kenny to stop and look around them.
Apparently they were built by the CCC in the 1930's and are now just a standing reminder of that time. You can find these pretty round stones all throughout the refuge.
Another pretty lake had this neat boat dock protruding out into the water...This lake had a dirt path that wound around it, so we hiked a couple miles around the lake and saw these nifty lily pads
There were remnants of flowers that I can only imagine in the summer were huge and stunning!
Kenny spotted this cliff side "chair" naturally carved in the rock where we took pictures last year, so I had to hop back in that spot and take one this year too *laughs*It overlooks a gorgeous river.
I love the way Kenny captured the clouds reflecting in the water here. It looks really powerful....I think this one is going up on the wall *winks*
There is also a neat water dam with a walkway that winds all the way across the lake
Ohhhh I love this guy!!
There is a neat area of the refuge where they have a biblical city built out of stone and every year at Easter they do the Passion play for thousands of park guests.
Here's another big Elk who was calling his lady to come join him...
I love those cute guys! I want to squeeze their bellies! *winks*
We just had a great time and are looking forward to our next adventure!