This morning we got up early, once again to beat the heat, to visit the Denver Zoo. Can you tell we are animal people!?! *laughs* In a zoo, in the wild...we just like watching them!

Well, THIS was a busy day at the zoo! We barely found a parking place, and
we thought
we got there early!? Once we bustled inside we could spread out a little more and avoid the crowds. We got to see a bunch of adorable animals!

This elephant was just playing and playing with this big ball on a chain. It almost looked like he was trying to start a game of tether ball, but his buddy there in the background was too busy with his nap to come play! *laughs*

This Daddy and Baby mountain goat were pretty cute too! I love how Kenny caught the picture just as they're about to butt heads!

It was kind of shocking to see this dreary looking bear after having seen some in the wild! He looks so pooped, not healthy and frisky like the ones at Yellowstone. Awww, poor guy, I hope he's just having a sleepy day.

They also had a couple of Baby Giraffes!! My favorite! They look so soft and sweet with their big eyes and l-o-n-g eyelashes!
This zoo had an aquarium area too, but it wasn't quite as big and neat as the Omaha Zoo. I think we got a little spoiled at the Omaha zoo *winks*

There was a zoo trainer here with the polar bear. He had some fish that he was going to feed her if she did her trick. She was pacing back and forth and back and forth and he kept yelling "up on your rock....come on, up on your rock" over and over.

We waited with anticipation.....the trainer kept calling out.....eventually a crowd was forming to see what in the world was going on. Finally, after about twelve minutes of pacing the bear climbed UP on her rock, the trainer threw a big fish in the water and she dove off to get the fish! What a show!
I think she knew all along that the fish was going
IN the water, so why in the world would she need to climb
way up there just to get the fish
in the water!?! *laughs*
We left to zoo about 12:30 and were on our way to find lunch and stop by some outlet malls on the way to Woodland Park to meet up with Kenny's Mom and Dad!
We ate some yummy good Chick-fil-a and explored all around the Castle Rock Outlet Mall.

We found several great deals! I got a banana republic shirt for $7.00 and an Eddie Bauer one for just $5.00! Woo Hoo! I love a good deal!
By this time Denny and Cecilia called to let us know they had arrived and we headed straight on over to Woodland Park.
Oh MAN we have fun!!
I'm so thankful that I was able to take some extra time off to extend our trip over into Colorado. One, I love getting a chance to spend time with Kenny's Mom and Dad. Two, (almost) any vacation is a good vacation. Three, it was like de ja vu of the trip we took here last year right after our Honeymoon in St. Thomas! Some hotel and everything!
We arrived just in time to check in.....another great hotel with soft, warm, yummy cookies in the lobby! And then we headed out to go eat at our favorite Mexican restaurant! Ohhh I had the best Taco Salad ever!!!
Eating all that good food was enough to send us to bed for the night! It's a good thing too because the boys had an early morning of motorcycle riding and Cecilia and I had an early morning of shopping and sight seeing planned! *grins*