Today we made the drive from Salt Lake City to Moab. Once you get out of the big city you start to see some really beautiful scenery all around! We just love all of those plateaus and sculptural looking beauties *grins*
It was also quite a temperature shock! Being used to those nice lower sixties, then reaching canyonlands where the thermometer on Kenny's car registered 102!! Whew! Luckily it was a dry heat and not intolerable. *winks*

Our first stop for the day was at Canyonlands. And it is, exactly what the name entails. *winks*

A land of canyons.

We got to see this beautiful arch, the Mesa Arch, see how you can see more "monuments"
through the arch!

Then we went over to see the upheaval dome. Scientists aren't exactly sure what caused this, whether it's pushing up from underground or whether a meteor struck down here many years ago... either way, that white stuff in the center is salt and it is beautiful!

After we saw it up close we decided to do a longer hike that would take us up to a better vantage point.

I think it's funny when you're hiking...if you come across another person along the trail you immediately ask each other "what's up ahead?"......"how much further"........"is it worth it"? It always makes me think of pioneers along the Oregon trail running into another person! *laughs*
Well, this was a
long hike, over some pretty steep and narrow pathways, down rocky staircases and finally back up and around a cliff side to see the view. So exciting!

Look at this nifty guy Kenny caught on film! Yet another creature to add to the notebook of wildlife *smiles*

After finishing off the tour of Canyonlands we headed on over to Arches National Park. I was so excited! We were here last March for our spring break trip to the Grand Canyon and loved it, so, needless to say, I was glad to be back!

It was approaching sunset as we pulled into Arches (the perfect time to get some great photographs!) so first thing we went to the balanced rock...

as you can see we had quite a fun time posing for "fake" pictures with the rock *laughs*

This is a sunset view of Park is just breathtaking with the orangy sun bouncing off the rock faces like that!

We headed back to check into our hotel for the evening and get a good nights sleep for hiking tomorrow!
1 comment:
wow i love your heart shadow picture! That is too cute :) sounds like yall had an exciting trip!
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