Since we had seen the upper geyser basin yesterday we wanted to see the lower and middle geyser basin today. I am STILL amazed by these shimmering pools of intense color!


Yellows and Blues

Coppers. Wow! It's just unreal!
We also got to see some interesting little pools called Paint Pots. They're pools of white-ish clay that bubble and boil and make little popping sounds!

We somehow discovered "paint pots" is especially fun to say in a Scottish accent *laughs* So.....we've been walking around saying "I'm Sean Connery....Paint Pots" in our best Scottish all day!
We saw a huge bird in the sky that was just hovering and then diving waaaaay down into a stream to catch fish. We stopped and watched it for a bit wondering if it was a Bald Eagle...

Once it got closer we saw that it was an Osprey. It was fun to watch, but not an Eagle. THEN all of a sudden out of nowhere a Bald Eagle darted across the sky just a few yards above our heads and dive bombed the Osprey!!! They darted and chased through the air and we.were.astonished!
Unfortunately you tend to forget the camera in your hands when you're staring drop jawed at a Bald Eagle chase! I know we'll never forget it, but I wish you could see too!
We hiked up about one mile of the Fairy Falls hike and got a great vantage point to see the Grand Prismatic Springs...and IT WAS grand!

So bright and rainbow like!

Hmmmm, speaking of the Tetons, here they are! Doesn't this picture look like a scene out of The Sound of Music!?!

Kenny was laughing at me singing "The hills are aliiiivee...with the sound of muuuussiic" It felt like we visited the Swiss Alps for a moment *winks*

Ooohhh, there were Bison grazing all over the place here too! Look at this cute little baby Bison.

We drove over to an area called Mormon Row where there are old barns and a little homestead that were built by some Mormon settlers back in the early 1900's.

I was dying to go inside and explore, but the Park won't let you due to the deterioration of the buildings *boo* (every time we drive by an old, abandoned, falling apart house on the highway I want to stop and snoop around inside. Kenny, the law abiding citizen that he is, has to keep me from it *laughs*) Oh well, the outsides were pretty cool too.

By this time it was getting pretty close to sunset so we decided to head towards our hotel for the night at Teton Village.

On the way we spotted an enormous Great Gray Owl! I'm telling you, this guy was at least THREE feet tall! Wow!.jpg)
1 comment:
Well I think the paint pots look like chocolate pudding cooking or maybe gravy yumm.
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