We drove back into Tetons National Park bound and determined to hike the Jenny lake trail. It is a 6.6 mile trail that winds all the way around Jenny lake, with some optional jut off's that take you to Hidden Falls and Inspiration point.
I was starting to doubt my ability to complete the SIX miles (keep in mind we've been hiking EVERY day and I'm starting to feel the soreness), when I discovered a ferry boat that cuts the hike in half. Now three miles, THAT's a piece of cake!
So we decided to hike the 3-4 miles first then take the ferry boat back as a relaxing treat! *smiles*
We started on our way and were happily winding around and through the pine trees on such a pretty trail. There were a few slippy mud areas that we just side stepped and then there was the beautiful Jenny Lake *grins* The water was so calm and still, quite the peaceful little lake!

We kept up the hiking and the muddy areas were becoming more and more predominant. Little mountain springs were trickling down and making the trail wet and sludgy. I normally wouldn't mind much, but I was trying to keep my new shoes from being coated in mud! So I'd take the high road on the side of the trail, or jump from rock to rock... and somewhere in this jumping process THIS happened!

It was such a pretty day, we hiked, and hiked, and hiked and eventually came to the jut off's that took you up to inspiration point and hidden falls. Hidden Falls was so amazing! When you walked past all that rushing cool water it was just like an air conditioner!?! So crazy cool!

The hike up to inspiration point was a little more treacherous, big boulders, rocky cliff sides, higher and higher up to this pretty outlook...
I'm so glad we made it!
After these extra hikes I was getting pretty tired so I was glad to have the ferry ride to look forward to. We hiked down to the dock and had a peaceful ten minute boat ride back to our car. *smiles*

After we docked on the other side of the lake we just drove around the Tetons one last time and headed back to Jackson Hole to walk around the little town and shops.There were some really neat little art galleries and all sorts of tourist shopping. A thunderstorm struck when we were just about finished shopping, so we just stayed under the overhangs and enjoyed the view.
They have several of these amazing "arches" of antlers! At first I was pretty shocked, but Kenny explained that the antelope loose their antlers every year and grow a new set. Whew! I was hoping they didn't murder hundreds of Bambi's for their arches *winks*
We had some yummy pizza for dinner and just relaxed *smiles*
Okay Tarzan don't let them murder any little Bambies!!!
You're so funny I wish I could have been a little bug and could have taken this trip with you. Without being noticed of course.
Wow! All these pictures of Rushmore & Yellowstone & Tetons & Jackson Hole bring back so many memories :) I'll have to take Julie out there one of these days! Looks like y'all had a blast, thanks for sharing the stories and pictures with the rest of us!
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