This was our final full day at Yellowstone. Unfortunately I woke up with a teensy headache, I think even small changes in altitude or temperature do a number on my head, so it didn't turn out to be a super long day, but a GREAT one none the less!
We set out bright and early and were headed to see Old Faithful. We wanted to get there early so that we wouldn't have to fight any crowds. On the drive there we saw a little turn off loop on the map and somehow decided to take the detour/scenic route.
I am SO thankful we made that turn!! There were two momma Elk and two baby elk just frolicking ALL around in a little meadow beside a creek. It was so early in the morning and they were just waking up and starting their day! They were beyond adorable!

(they certainly perked my head right up!)

We took photos and a little video and were on our way to the geyser *grins*

Do you know what happened THE MOMENT we walked up to Old Faithful!?! It started blasting off! Just like magic, a special show timed perfectly for us!

I was envisioning in my head that we'd be sitting there for at least thirty minutes waiting for anything to happen *laughs* (oh ye of little faith)

am telling you, it's like another planet! All the geysers and steam shooting into the air all around, just amazing!

After Old Faithful's first eruption we decided to hike up to the observation point and see how it looked from way up high.
Here's where the waiting came into play *smiles* We were starting to think that during the hike we'd missed an eruption *laughs*

In the mean time we got to see several other geysers shooting off, even THREE at once!

We also made friends with these two "beavers", no, no, they're Yellow Bellied Marmots remember?

Kenny even got to impress some other tourists with his knowledge of wildlife! They were quite impressed that he knew what these were *grins*

Then Old Faithful astounded us again with it's spews of steaming water!
We hiked back down and walked all along and around the boardwalks of the upper geyser basin that lead you out to prismatic pools and other less predictable geysers.
We were laughing that I look like a little goat here.....baaaa...baaaa
Look how close these people are getting to the Bison! Soooo scary!! They even give you a pamphlet at the park entrance "Beware the Bison", they kill and injure more park tourists than Bears EVERY year!
You better believe we kept our distance!
These prismatic pools were one of my favorite experiences of our trip. They are unbelievably bright with stunning colors throughout their depths.

This one (below) is called Morning Glory! I would like to take it home with me *laughs*

After hiking through the rainbow of pools we decided to drive over to Yellowstone lake and just kind of take it easy for the rest of the afternoon.

Kenny spotted the brightest Blue Bird we've ever seen and that just topped off the day for us *smiles*
1 comment:
These pictures do look like you took them on another planet. I can't imagine this anywhere on earth. Good pictures! Good Young Adults!! MoM
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