I know Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest, but we had a "restful" day of work ;)
We went back to Crossings Community Church on Sunday morning. The service was really beautiful again. I knew almost all of the songs this time and that really helps me be a more confident singer ;). The pastor this time was a lady, which I'm not really used to, but she did a good job. The message was about friendship. I think next week the Head Pastor will be back. I'm interested to hear him preach. We're hoping that this may be the church for us, but if not, we'll keep visiting them until we find just the right one.
After church Kenny and I went grocery shopping together again. It really makes shopping fun when you can do it with a friend (not to mention your husband) :D
After we got home we had lunch and then got too work. Kenny mowed the lawn and I swept up all the leaves and acorns (we have tons of those) and grass clippings and stuff that gathers up by the curb. I love the way our house looks when it's all tidy. The green grass and clean curb, it just makes me smile :D Kenny also staked our little hybiscus tree that we planted in the back yard. It has been leaning a little, so we wanted to stake it so that it will grow straight and strong. Then we watered our little vegetable garden and I was overjoyed to find two big tomatoes!
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