Kenny's soccer team, The Titans, had another soccer game yesterday. It was such a great game, they won SEVEN to one!! I was so excited! It was really special because Kenny got to let every one of his THIRTY soccer players play in that game. They were so far ahead that some of the small kids who maybe aren't the best players got to play. There is one really sweet sixth grade boy who always comes and sits and talks with me and even he got to play.
It was so cute to see the excitement on Kenny's face. He was trying to set it up so that my little buddy could score and you know what!? He ALMOST did! *grins* I love the way Kenny includes and encourages all his players, never yelling or belittling anyone. Kind of a neat insight into what kind of a Dad he'll be.... I CAN'T wait!! :D
I also want to wish Julie and Neil a Happy TWO MONTH anniversary today!! I miss them and love them very much! I love the love that they have for each other and know that they are a blessing to so many people! Congratulations you two!

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