I just wanted to touch base and let everyone know that we're still alive *grins* It's a goal of mine to post at least five times a week, but this week that just didn't happen for me....
I came down with yet another lovely stomach virus *boo* After Florida I thought I was done being sick for a long, long, long, long, time! But, I think some little mean germs are floating around and they caught hold of my family.

I did get to enjoy another awesome baseball game on Tuesday. Kenny's Titans won twelve to six! It was such a fun game! I like to watch his team work together and watch Kenny coach them and guide them (he's SO amazing!)
They got several big hits in and rounded the bases one by one! How exciting!
Well, I promise to be more punctual with my posts next week and I hope I'm finally done with all this being sick!
In the mean time we wish everyone a lovely Easter I'm so thankful for a Savior who died for me!
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