Monday, April 6, 2009

Palm Sunday

Did you know that this Sunday was Palm Sunday! Our church was full and overflowing (how cool!). We were squeezed in our pews and it was just lovely! A sweet older lady was sitting next to me and we just kept getting closer and closer and smiling at each other *grins*

They asked all of the children in Sunday school to walk in and down the aisles waving their palm branches. It was so sweet to see! Can you imagine waving a palm branch and laying it down for JESUS to go across, WOW!

Four lovely ladies sang an acapella quartet that was SO pretty, I was just mesmerized. It made me remember and think about singing acapella with Julie and Lori at our old church for the W.I.N.G.S. (women in Gods service) retreat. It is amazing how many talented singers there are. I sure wish I could sing better! It's a joyful noise (to The Lord) but maybe not to my pew neighbors *laughs*

Pastor Grubbs spoke about Palm Sunday and the fact that Jesus willingly and "resolutely" went to Jerusalem fully knowing that he was going there to die an awful death to pay the penalty for our sins. He compared that to the job of a soldier. Soldiers go to war willing to die, but that is certainly NOT their objective. They want to and plan to come home. But, Jesus knew "the time had come" and He chose to die for us! I am so thankful for a saviour like that!

Did you know that Jesus took time out of this scary stressful week to pray for YOU! That's right! The Bible says that He prayed for those that would hear the disciples message in the future and believe!

"I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message." John 17:20

How amazing is that!?

After church Kenny and I went to the grocery store. Boy was it ever windy and chilly outside. The wind has really been "sweeping down the plains" this week *grins* Kenny's team has baseball games on Tuesday and Thursday that I'm looking forward to! I hope the wind dies down a little for those!

1 comment:

Neil and Julie said...

It has been really windy here too! That church service sounded great! I like sitting by little old ladies :) and I loved your point about Jesus praying for us :) Gave me some chills! I'm glad you are feeling better now!!!