Thursday, April 23, 2009

Soccer, Cake and Family, what more could a girl want??

Some of Kenny's soccer players and students from this year and last year also play soccer for club teams. They were so sweet and asked Kenny if he'd come out and watch them play on Saturday morning. So, bright and early we hopped out of bed (well, crawled out groggily) and drove up to Dolese park to watch some soccer.
I was trying to slyly take Kenny's picture...don't think it worked ;)
I couldn't believe how many of the players I recognized as former Titans! Wow, Kenny has coached a bunch of boys! It was so cool to spot them out there on the field..."oh look, there's so in so" "Wow, look how big he's gotten" "Hey, remember that guy!" So.Much.Fun!!!

I thought it was extra special of Kenny to come out on a Saturday morning just to watch his guys! I know it really meant a lot to the players. You could just see their eyes light up when they saw "Coach Schell" over on the side lines! They were waving to him WHILE they were playing! So cute! *grins*

We weren't sure which side to cheer for, we knew players on each team *winks* We just tried to cheer when either side made a good play!
After the soccer game Kenny and I went over to Mom and Dad's house to have cake and presents for Julie's Birthday! She got some really cute things *grins* Kenny and I got her a lovely "compilation" package full of all kinds of goodies....mascara, lipgloss, eye shadow, body lotion, Fun Stuff!! I hope she had a great time! Isn't she cute!!
My Aunt Neva and Cousin Carrie also got to come up for the day. It has been WAY too long since the last time we'd seen them. I love those two sweet gals! They are just a joy to be around and I'm so glad that they're a part of my family!

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